Telegram bot to convert medias in the format required to be used as Telegram stickers
You can use the bot going here: start it, and you can now send it the medias you need to convert.
Based on what you send, Stickerify will answer the following:
flowchart LR
A[User] -->|Message| B([Stickerify])
B -->|Request contains a file| C{Is file supported?}
click B "" _blank
style B fill: #2889ba, stroke: #e0e0e0, color: #e0e0e0
C -->|Yes| D{Does file need conversion?}
C -->|No| E(Error message)
B -->|Request has only text| F{Is help or start command?}
F -->|Yes| G(Show bot usage)
F -->|No| H(About message)
D -->|Yes| J(Convert file)
D -->|No| K(No conversion)
And it’s done!
./gradlew build -x test
After you successfully set up the project, you will have to go through the following steps:
constructor inside the class Stickerify
class to start the bot, it will be now able to answer messages in Telegrammoving into the project folder and building the image with the command:
docker build -t rob93c/stickerify .
pulling the image from Docker Hub:
docker pull rob93c/stickerify
Now you just need to run the Docker image passing the token (``) retrieved from BotFather:
docker run -e "STICKERIFY_TOKEN=" rob93c/stickerify
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Hacktoberfest is an event aiming to encourage people to contribute to open-source projects every October. This project adheres to this initiative and welcomes any hacktoberfest-related improvement!
If you would like to improve Stickerify as part of this event, first read the contributing guidelines and then consider opening a new issue and/or pull request.
If your pull request represents a valid contribution to the project, it will be marked as hacktoberfest-accepted
therefore counting towards the 4 contributions goal.
The privacy policy can be found here.
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).